Take the Pledge

"We the People" must stand united to keep our democratic form of government strong. By taking this pledge, you can help to protect democracy by seeking the truth and supporting the democratic tenets in our Constitution.



Protecting democracy starts by seeking the facts from a free press and respected and reliable institutions devoted to gathering and disseminating validated information. Self-governance requires informed voters whose decisions rest on the truth about issues, actual occurrences, what political candidates stand for (and against), and the record of candidates’ statements, actions, votes, and allegiances.



“Ordain” in the Bible means to “establish or order by decree or law.” It is also written into the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution where the American people ordained democracy as the foundation for our society and the way to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Thus, protecting democracy is not optional: Evangelicals have an obligation to connect democracy to the protection of these essential rights without fear or favor.



Democracy depends upon the moral fiber of a culture, which is why “the good news” evangelicals can spread is that democracy is a religious value rooted in the dignity and worth of all people. This means making clear that no individual is above the law – not even the president – and voter suppression, gerrymandering (by either party), intimidation, and the spreading of conspiracy theories and lies are anti-Christian.



Voting is the key role of citizens in a democracy. Therefore, as people of faith, evangelicals can be the agents of meaningful change who protect democracy by choosing candidates who support voting rights, voting themselves and inspiring others to do so. The goal is not to give one religion a privileged place in law and politics. Rather, it is something higher and better, namely, to be civic-minded – the first contribution by a citizen to a free society.

Pledge to stand for our Nation's democratic principles

It's Your Turn

To preserve American democracy and the cause of liberty and justice…

I pledge to stand for our nation’s democratic principles –

  • Truth over lies
  • Freedom of the press
  • Representative government
  • Access to the ballot box
  • The peaceful transfer of power
  • A moral commitment to treat each other with mutual respect

By making this pledge, I promise to vote for leaders who uphold these values on election day.

I commit to:

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